Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A More Cost-Effective Means of Healthcare for Americans

According to a recent ABC news release, an estimated 550,000 Americans travelled abroad last year to take care of their medical needs. That number is projected to grow rapidly in the coming years.  New Jersey-based Ilan Pillai benefited from the medical tourism concept during a recent family vacation in Bangalore, India. "In spite of being fully insured, I was able to save over 70% in out-of-pocket expenses on dental procedures for me and my wife. I was very surprised to learn that the dentist had studied and practiced in the United States before she moved back to her hometown five years ago. The quality of care was comparable to the best dental facilities I had been to in the US," says Ilan.

Upon his return, Ilan interviewed a number of patients across the US who had benefited from similar medical travel. He found a consistent theme regarding the trouble and time it took for them to find information on healthcare providers abroad. There was a lack of reliable sources of information for these people to compare the quality and cost of care amongst various competing providers. 

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