Sometimes moving just a few blocks away can have a significant impact on your car insurance simply because that area is in a different ZIP code. Areas like Florida where there is a much larger number of fatal accidents per capita than in other states drives insurance premiums much higher. In fact, drivers in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale area, for example, pay more than twice as much for car insurance than drivers in Seattle.
It's important to note that all car accidents are preventable. Obeying traffic laws, making sure your car is in good working order and giving plenty of room between cars on the road will go a long way towards steering you away from trouble. Maintaining a safe driving record will ensure that you receive cheap auto insurance quotes in your location.
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The Worst Drivers Are Everywhere…..But Florida Wins. « CBS
I have the opportunity to drive through many states in the course of each year and it's really difficult to pick one area as having the worst drivers, but since you insisted......the winner is: far.